Our institution works in 2 sessions the preliminary i.e. Nursery & UKG & the Primary 1st, 2nd & 3rd standards run in the morning from 7.30am to 11.30am. The remaining classes from 4th standard to SSLC are conducted from 11.45am to 5.45pm. Assembly is conducted with due importance to the thought for the day, general knowledge & the day’s news. We insist on a school uniform which gives the children a sense of belonging & equality amongst themselves. Cleanliness, punctuality, good social behavior are emphasized.

The school atmosphere is very informal with ample scope to participate in whatever direction a child’s talents lie. Our school tradition has been maintained & the fruits of success are seen as some of our past students, now outstanding citizens write back appreciating our humble efforts in molding their lives.

By the grace of God, your prayers & cooperation, we have crossed the 49th year. God has been with us thus far & we all know He will be with us in the future. Continue to keep us in your prayers.